Mystery Quilt Class

March 8, 2025
9:00 am – 4:00 pm

Cost for the Class: $20 Members and $30 for Non-members
Christ Episcopal Church, 7305 Afton Rd, Woodbury, MN 55125

Bring your own Lunch/Sandwich and a snack or dessert to Share. We will have a pot of soup,for everyone and plates, bowls,Silverware

Your mystery class instructor is Terry Nelson. Linda has ap­proximately 60 years of sewing experience starting in 4-H and progressing from there. Linda has been teaching different sewing classes for about 20 years from beginning sewing classes to quilting classes. Her passion is sewing. She sew quilts and donates to hospice and various other organizations including the reservation in SD and the Appalachia Mountain Regions. Right now, her biggest project is sewing Barbie clothes for Dolls for Appalachia and Beyond. We send new and refurbished dolls to children in Appalachia and the reservation in SD; some of these children would not otherwise get a Christmas gift al­though we send dolls and toys the entire year. Each doll needs to have 5 outfits including panties and sleepwear. Linda loves being able to buy fun fabric, sew it up and then donate it to children who will not otherwise have dolls or other toys. Last year we sent 1,668 dolls to these children.

Linda also teaches quilt classes and beginning sewing classes at Farm and Home in New Richmond WI. It's a fabulous fabric store inside a hardware store. She tries to focus on quilts that are easy for all skill levels and yet dif­ferent enough so that the students learn a different technique in each class.

I'm looking forward to teaching this mystery quilt class. You will have lots of fun sewing the pattern I have picked out!!


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Seamlines from The President