Upcoming events
North Metro Daytime Apparel Makers
Creativity. How do you go about making that special item? You experience new ideas!

Tiny Apple Retreat
$10 per person per day for members and $15 for non-members. You may sign up for one day or both days.
Space, irons and cutting mats are provided. Those that attend may get $5 off a purchase of at least $5. Limit to 10 each day.
You may bring your lunch or go out. There are several restaurants to choose from. You may bring food/snacks also.
Parking is first come first served in the lot next to the store on Friday and Saturday. Free both days. Elsewhere on Friday is limited to 3 hours at a time and you would need to move your car.
Contact with questions: donella.petro@gmail.com
If you do not wish to use paypal mail a check made out to ASG to Deb Roettger: 568 Julep Ave N Lake Elmo, MN 55042. Be sure to list what day(s) and contact info with the check.

Rustic Living Fashion Show
Join us for the Rustic Living Fashion Show and Silent Auction
St. Cloud Area Neighborhood Group
Come check us out and join other people who love to sew!

Mystery Quilt Class
Join in the fun! Spend the day sewing with friends. Bring your own lunch/sandwich and a snack or dessert to share.
Class instructor is Terry Nelson
Textile Center Wall Display
The wall display is up at the Textile Center we encourage you to go check it out. The display will be up until May 2.

We normally meet the 4th Friday of the month. Members take turns presenting the program each month and we LOVE Show and Tell. Bring your makes!
Contact Rosie at 507-282-0590 or rseegmiller@yahoo.com.

North Metro Daytime Apparel Makers
Creativity. How do you go about making that special item? You experience new ideas!

Presidents Day Retreat
Bring your sewing projects and spend the weekend sewing, chatting, and having a great time.

St. Cloud Area Neighborhood Group
Come check us out and join other people who love to sew!

Bloomington Neighborhood Group
We meet the 1st Tuesday of the month.
Bring your love of sewing and some Show and Share and a friend!
For questions and more information contact Shelly Pfuke at 507-744-4274 or Carrie Mercer