New President Rosemary says “Join Us!”

Minnesota ASG is accepting new members

Why become a member?

For less than $4.00 a month you get…..

Over 4000 years of combined membership experience to learn from

Attend group meetings from any of 12 different locations throughout the state attended by people who love to sew.  Attend one or as many meetings as you wish each month

Get discounts from 22 local retailers of sewing needs

Support by National ASG Organization with access to classes, week long conferences (San Antonio June 30-July 3, 2022), over 150 video trainings, national retail discounts, sewing book library, monthly newsletter, monthly online training courses

Special events throughout the year; Annual Fashion Show, Community Sewing events, Annual social meeting of all groups, trainings, Shop Hops, Weekend Sewing Retreats, local college fashion design student fashion shows, fabric swaps, fabric garage sales, local museum presentations geared towards fashion and design, sewing challenges and awards

Local training sessions on Cricut/Silhouette usage, serger techniques, visible mending, cosplay, personal color analysis.

Opportunities to teach youth started sewing classes, represent ASG at the Minnesota State Fair, contribute to the community through charitable sewing projects and the only national organization dedicated to Advancing Sewing as an Art and Life Skill.

That’s why YOU should join us. Check out a couple of Neighborhood Group meetings before you commit. Looking forward to meeting you!


Sew for Service-All Things Children


Our new Youth Education chair