On Tuesday June 21st won't you join us for our First Session of our new apparel makers group. We welcome all level of sewers from beginners to experts. We want to extend a warm welcome to all Apparel Sewers, no matter what level of experience you have. We are all here to give and receive help from each other so we can all learn more together.
We meet at 1 PM in the Fridley Community Center 6085 7th St. N.E. Fridley, 55432 (Always the 3rd Tuesday of the month unless posted otherwise.)
Park in the rear lot off of 61st Ave. N.E. and use large glass double doors to enter back of building.
6085 7th St. NE, Fridley
Be sure to attend, so you are in on the planning and learn what the changes are.
Contact Eugenie Rolvaag at 651-633-2487 elvvrr@yahoo.com or Marilyn Garcia at 763-639-7184 mjgar40@gmail.com for further info.