In November we need to start planning next year’s activities so please bring ideas for future meetings.
If you are unable to attend, you can email your activities to me. I will make a list of the ideas and in December we can vote on those that are most interesting to use in 2024. The topic of our November meeting is Creativity. How do you go about making that special item. Do you start with the fabric, pattern or a photo? Are you inspired by nature, architecture or a special trim? Can we learn to be more creative? Linda Lee from the Sewing Workshop had a challenge using paintings from a specific artist to use as a starting point for making an outfit. Others have used the same pattern sewn many times in different fabrics with pattern hacks to be more creative. What makes you be creative? Bring samples of your creative makes. As always show and tell and sewing problems are always welcome.
Our concentration in this Neighborhood Group is wearing apparel, including accessories. Join us!
We meet at the Fridley Community Center. Use the back parking lot for best access to the meeting room.
Contact Eugenie Rolvaag at 651-633-2487 or Marilyn Garcia at 763-639-7184 for further info.