Our December meeting will be a pizza party! We will meet at our usual time of 1P.M.
Please RSVP if you can attend so I can plan on the right number of pizzas. If you need gluten free let me know. Also let me know if there are ingredients that you cannot eat. A hint of what type of pizza you would like is also appreciated. If you wish you can bring a dessert to share.
For the business part of the meeting we need to set up our programs for the next year.
We have topics and presenters for three programs: Pat has volunteered to talk about sewing machine feet in February. Cindy will present ideas on using unusual items found at places like Axman to use in our sewing for our April meeting. Edith will talk about her kimonos , the date to be determined. So come with ideas. Now is the time to do research on some sewing aspect that you want to know more about and tell or demonstrate what you learned!
Also bring ideas for a pattern with inclusive sizing that we can make as a group to wear in the April style show. If it is a pdf pattern we can all use the pattern.
Hope to see you in December.
Our concentration in this Neighborhood Group is wearing apparel, including accessories. Join us!
We meet at the Fridley Community Center. Use the back parking lot for best access to the meeting room.
Contact Eugenie Rolvaag elvvrr@yahoo.com at 651-633-2487 or Marilyn Garcia mjgar40@gmail.com at 763-639-7184 for further info.