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PDF Pattern How-To

  • Jerry's Foods 7760 Hargis Parkway Woodbury, MN, 55129 United States (map)

The Material Girls (our local sewing experts!) are presenting a class on the how to’s of pdf patterns, one of the newest tech ideas in sewing. Get helpful instruction and useful tips on ordering the patterns, downloading, finding and viewing the patterns/directions on your device and how to send the pattern to be printed. All from your ipad, smart phone or laptop!

Cost is: $20.00, class is limited in size so send in your payment early! Payment must be made prior to the event. Questions? Call 612-201-5917.
Questions can be emailed to me also:

PDF Patterns-Exploring, Ordering and Printing
Seeing things on Instagram that you’d love to make but can’t bring yourself to tape 55 pieces of paper together to get it? We’ll walk you through the whole process, including where to store them on your device. To get the full experience you will need to actually buy a pattern so you may want to do a little looking and make a list before class. This is a hands-on class so an iPad (or equivalent), laptop or smart phone is required.


Your phone and iPad (or equivalent) and/or laptop.

Note taking supplies as desired

A list of 3-4 patterns to order and get printed (you can order only one pattern but a few will spread out the shipping cost)

Your credit card for ordering patterns

Patience (for yourself and teachers as you learn something new and techie!)

October 14

Sewing for Service

October 21