Meeting moved to Zoom. Contact Kris or Cindi for invitation.
Shoreview Area Neighborhood Group meeting. This is it!! One person's no-longer-loved item is another person's jackpot! (or something like that). Bring fabric, notions, or other sewing items that no longer bring you joy. At the end of the evening, any items that are left unclaimed will go to Savers or Goodwill.
Also, if you would like to challenge your fellow sewer, bring a piece of fabric in a sealed brown bag and exchange it with another. Those who want to participate will make something out of the fabric and bring it to the next drag-and-brag.
Did you know your ASG membership also entitles you to visit ASG Neighborhood Groups in chapters across the country? Check for meeting locations and other details as you plan your trip.
Contact Kris Livingston at 651-638-9485 or Cindi Kelch at 612-209-7909 for more info.