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Shoreview Area Neighborhood Group

  • Shoreview Library-Book Club Room 4560 Victoria Street North Shoreview, MN, 55126 United States (map)

October meeting is an Upcycle Challenge-October 19th from 2-4 PM in the Book Club Room at the Shoreview Library.

  • Upcycle Challenge. Make a garment or other item using a thrift store purchase. Consider any item in the store as a fabric source.

  • Or “shop” your closet for an item to upcycle.

  • Bring your Drag and Brag items. (Anything you have made recently.)

Did you know your ASG membership also entitles you to visit ASG Neighborhood Groups in chapters across the country? Check for meeting locations and other details as you plan your trip. Please start with our Neighborhood Group!

Contact Kris Livingston at 651-638-9485 or Cindi Kelch at 612-209-7909 for more info.

October 16

Maple Grove/Plymouth New Neighborhood Group

October 19

South of the River Neighborhood Group