Beginning Sewing Lessons
Our American sewing Guild chapter is so very fortunate to have Pat Swanson as our Youth Sewing Coordinator. She has taken on the sizeable task of coordinating beginner sewing lessons for not only youth, but adults as well. Our ASG Chapter has joined forces with the Hopkins Community Education Department to make these classes a reality. We’ll let Pat introduce herself:
My name is Pat Swanson, 2022 project coordinator for Youth Education. This year we are going to bring back Beginning Sewing for Youth. In the past, we have been able to hold classes at local craft stores, but because of the COVID restrictions, those classrooms are no longer available. Hopkins Community Center has offered the use of their classroom, which has eight Singer sewing machines. I am discussing details with them and plan to offer the first two-hour class in January, with other classes to follow. We have had a couple of inquiries from the public, so will begin with those two families and then reach out through Girl Scouts, 4-H, and Community Education. Look for further information coming soon!
I have been a member of ASG for many years and participate in both the Fridley Neighborhood Group and Apparel Makers. I have been sewing since I was a child, and currently have a home sewing business, Creations of Fabric.
Youth plaid pants
Youth/Adult Sewing Classes through Hopkins Community Ed
Pat Swanson has scheduled fall and winter classes with the Hopkins Community Ed (Eisenhower School) on Highway 7, just off Highway 169. The Beginning Sewing classes are a repeat of what was taught last spring, but now we are adding sessions for beginning adults. In addition to the Beginning Sewing classes, we will do Teens Basic 2, installing zippers in a tote and a pouch.
We are asking for volunteers to help during each of the class times. You don’t have to volunteer at all of the classes. A small cash reimbursement will be given. The projects are very simple. Volunteers will not need to provide any fabric or sewing notions. Volunteers with youth will need to have a no-cost background check done by the school before being in the class.
Please contact Pat Swanson at 612-214-3638 to volunteer, or just to ask for information.
The dates are Saturdays in September through December, except for two school holidays.
Young person learning to sew
Class descriptions-click on links above
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