Seamlines from The President

November 2024

A Year in Review

Whew! It has been a busy year, personally and as your president.  Both families continue to grow, our daughter will be having baby #1 in January 2025 and our ASG membership is up by over 10%.  The 2 newest Neighborhood Groups are growing and thriving.  We have been asked why there are no neighborhood groups in Minneapolis or St Paul.  We have started conversations with a couple of shop owners to provide meeting space and we will continue these conversations in 2025.  We will get back to our roots!

As we review the year’s activities in preparation for planning for 2025, I realized just how busy we have been.  CAB offered skill building classes; a fun, crafty class; some weekend retreats and organized a tour of the Gutherie Theatre.  We did community outreach through the Textile Center and the MN State Fair.  September found us Sewing 4 One, Sewing 4 All and the number of items and agencies we donated to is almost as staggering as the number of masks made during the COVID lockdown days.  We even managed to squeeze in a fabric sale after distributing donated fabrics and notions for classroom and community service use.  Your Neighborhood Group meetings have been busy as well.  I am very impressed with the knowledge and ideas being shared in these group meetings.

It is now time to turn our attention to 2025.  I know, we have 2 months left in 2024! It is this time of year we start our transition planning for next year.  CAB has asked before and we are asking again, what would YOU like for programming with ASG?  Do you want more skill building classes? Theatre tours? Social gatherings? Quilting or crafting classes? Retreats?  Let’s start a conversation!  Remember, an idea does not mean that you would have to plan and execute that idea (we have people for that) but ideas do bring a freshness to our programming that reflects our sewing journey(s).

Speaking of transitions, we have some vacant positions on the Chapter Advisory Board that need filling.  These include a liaison with the Textile Center, adult education chair, hospitality chair and special events chair.  The initial commitment is 1 year.  CAB will schedule a minimum of 10 (monthly) meetings per year, some via Zoom and others in-person.  If you are interested, please send an email to with a brief resume and statement outlining your role and vision with CAB. 

BTW, 2025 is our 45th birthday!  American Sewing Guild has been in the Minneapolis-St Paul area for 45 years!  Some of you remember starting in the late 70s, but ASG was incorporated in 1980.  I think it is time to celebrate!  Keep a watchful eye on our social media pages, website and emails for any ‘party’ info.

It has been my honor to serve as president this past year.  I have enjoyed meeting you and hearing about your sewing journey.  I have learned much through your sharing of knowledge and skills sets.  I look forward to many more years of membership with ASG learning and growing in my sewing journey.

Happy Holiday Sewing!


Eileen Scott, President


News From National


ASG/MSP Chapter Election 2024