ASG/MSP Chapter Election 2023

Valid American Sewing Guild membership number required for voting.

If you are attending the Annual Meeting and intend to vote there, please remember to bring your ASG Membership Number with you.

2023 Chapter Advisory Board Election


 President:  Eileen Scott

I just want to take a moment of your time to introduce myself. I am Eileen Scott and I am running for the position of Chapter President.

 I come from a family of sewers. Both grandmothers sewed in the home as did my mother and aunties. One aunt sewed professionally for Sharpe coats from the late 50s through her retirement. I guess it is in my blood.

 My first teacher was my mother. As I learned, Mom stopped sewing for me and basically said, “here you can do this yourself”, so I made many garments for high school and beyond. I still sew my own clothes as it is difficult for me to find ready-to-wear that fits well. I sew many types of items from clothes for the family to home décor, costumes for the kids and even repair jeans and calf blankets for the farmer nephew. I often get the call “Mom/Auntie can you fix….?”

 I don’t remember when I first learned of and joined ASG. Seems like it has always been a part of life since moving back to Minnesota. I joined the Shoreview Area NG and have learned much from them. With every meeting or event I go to, I learn at least 1 new thing that makes my sewing life easier; and with easier, sewing becomes less of a chore and much more enjoyable. I started working with the Chapter Advisory Board as hospitality chair approximately 2019. I come from a large family and hosting events came natural to me. I was with CAB when the COVID pandemic hit and we worked through the challenges of keeping the organization together while facing the new challenge of working remotely. AND WE DID IT! We grew with the use of technology and found ways to connect that we never dreamed would happen. Now we are back to working together in person and the chapter is ready to move forward with new skills and ideas for making the organization grow. They say some things get better with age and I believe our chapter will be better. We are ready to collect the age and sewing experience of our members and pass that to our next generation of sewers, just as our new (younger) members can pass knowledge of technology to the chapter. I am looking forward to being a part of the leadership team that will grow and shape the future of American Sewing Guild-Minneapolis-St Paul Chapter.

First Vice President:  Bonita (Bonnie) Johnson:

Bonnie Johnson is running for re-election as 1st VP of the Mpls-StPaul chapter.  Bonnie has served in this position for the past two years.

Growing up watching her mom make any and all things from material, Bonnie has had a lifelong desire to be an accomplished seamstress.  She started out sewing in high school HomeEc class.  Life got very busy, but she still pursued her passion of sewing in many projects along the way, including teaching her niece how to sew. 

Bonnie joined ASG in 2017.  She is a member of Apparel Makers and serves as the Media Coordinator for the group.

Bonnie brings a strong business background to the role of 1st VP having worked within both small (less than 10) and large (Fortune 50) companies throughout her career.  As well, she has owned her company since 2004.

Second Vice President:  Shelly Hildreth

Hi, my name is Shelly Hildreth, and I would like to tell you a little about myself.  I started sewing when I was 4 years old next to my grandmother.  I still have the little hand stitched doll dress I first made.  I made all my clothes growing up including my jeans and coats.  I have sewn all my life and made most of my clothes and for my kids and even my husband sometimes.  I’m from Oklahoma born and raised until my husband was transferred to Minnesota in 2008.  While in Oklahoma, I was a 4-H leader and taught sewing classes and judged at County fairs and at the State Fair.

I found out about ASG when I was in Hancock fabrics and saw all these women in this room talking about sewing and doing show and tell.  Kathy Miller was the leader and Daphyn Nordeen came and asked me if I would like to join them, and I did and that’s how my ASG membership began.

I have been the coordinator for the fashion show for the last 4yrs (actually 5 but I don’t count 2020 because of COVID) and I am currently the 2nd Vice President.  I am running for 2nd Vice President for 2023.

Secretary:  Carrie Mercer:

Carrie Mercer has been a member of ASG for several years now and goes mainly to the Bloomington neighborhood group. She likes to sew a variety of things, including quilts, home décor items, and is learning to sew clothing (lately she’s very into upcycling clothing). She also loves to hand sew small things like fabric cuffs and embroidery. She considers herself a perpetual student and takes notes all the time, so she thinks this would make her a great secretary for the guild.

Treasurer:  Donella Petro

I have been a member of ASG since the beginning, organized neighborhood groups and run some, been treasurer, a past president, neighborhood group coordinator and coordinated youth education.

I love sewing, am currently retired from sewing business- can one really retire?? I have taught sewing at 4-H sewing camps along with kids thru ASG.

I was an accountant for Anoka County 4-H for over 10 years, therefore have a financial program on my computer. I oversaw accounts for 17+ committees.

I have been married to Terry 47 years.  We have two children, both married, two grandkids and many grandpuppies, horses and cats.  My "job" with the grandson is very part time now and therefore have more time to volunteer. 

Printable Ballot

Register for the Annual Meeting, Luncheon and Speaker HERE


Coverstitch Class


2023 Annual Meeting & Election