Seamlines from The President

August 2024

Hello All!

I write this upon returning from our National Conference. Whew! I learned a lot, connected with other Chapter presidents along with our national Board of Directors, sat in on some great seminars and even completed a couple of projects. It was a busy time and I am still processing what I learned.

One of the hot topics among the presidents was the sunsetting of Groupworks. We are not alone in the loss of a communication tool that was free to use and maintained the privacy that so many of us ask for. Several ideas were shared. Most have a cost to use. Our chapter advisory board is looking at our options to replace Groupworks. One of these options is to continue to use the tools we currently have, just expand their features. This newsletter is one avenue of communication. Our Facebook pages and our website are others. We have received many ideas from you and will continue to explore those options as we move forward. One thought all presidents noted is that communication among members is key to a successful organization. You can always reach me via email, .

During our leadership portion of the conference our chapter was given a shout out for our presence on social media. An Instagram post on upcycling was noted by many and by our national board of directors. They were impressed with the creativity and timeliness of the post. Great job!

Like many of you, I took some time after the conference to visit family. We saw cousins on hubby’s side he has not seen in 45 years! It was a great trip, but I am glad to be home and have a renewed energy to get back to the sewing room.

As August fast approaches, we will be ramping up our sewing. Many are getting items ready for entry in their local county fairs, some are starting back to school sewing. The Chapter Advisory Board is looking for volunteers to staff our information booth at the MN State Fair. We will be there for 3 days talking an demonstrating all things sewing. Our theme this year is SEW 4 ONE, SEW 4 All. Yes, we will have sewing machines at the ready and we will be doing a variety of community service projects. I look forward to seeing you (and your entries) at The Great MN Get-Together!

Enjoy the rest of your summer. Stay cool; take lots of pictures of your time at the lake, family or class reunion; travel and see the sights; rest and relax; and find inspiration for your sewing and crafting along the way. We start again in earnest during September, National Sewing Month, with a continuation of our community service sewing.

Regards, Eileen


Local member featured in National ASG Newsletter-NOTIONS


Beginner Sewing Classes