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Chapter News

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The American Sewing Guild is a national nonprofit organization dedicated to people who believe sewing is a rewarding and creative activity.

The Minneapolis/St. Paul Chapter is one of the largest chapters in the country and serves the Twin Cities and greater Minnesota. We welcome new members at every skill level!


The Minneapolis/St. Paul Chapter is one of the largest chapters in the country and serves the Twin Cities and greater Minnesota. We welcome new members at every skill level!

Why become a member?

“I have been sewing for over 55 years, but never heard of ASG until I moved to the Cities 16+ years ago. Having friends who “speak my language” and have similar interests has been the best part of being a member.”

— Mary A.

“Someone in our group always has the answer for any problem I ever came up against and my skills have grown so much because of them. The sewing knowledge and experiences of this group is unbelievable. We have fun, spark creativity amongst each other and laugh a lot.”

— Rosemary M.